Who Orders the RTD Drug Test (Step 5)?

August 9, 2024

Ophthalmologist's Department

Your SAP makes you eligible for the return to duty drug test once you complete step 4.

PLEASE NOTE: The SAP is not the one who orders the RTD drug test. SAPs Cannot Order Return-to-Duty Tests.

Contrary to popular belief, SAPs do not have the authority to order return-to-duty tests. If a company tells you that a SAP must order this test, they are mistaken.

Instead, the responsibility for ordering a return-to-duty test lies with the employer or C/TPA. SAPs provide advice and information to employers and C/TPA’s regarding testing issues, but they cannot initiate the test themselves.

SAPs cannot send drivers for return-to-duty tests; this responsibility rests with the employer. DOT regulations explicitly prohibit service agents (including SAPs) from ordering any DOT tests.

Remember, understanding the division of responsibilities ensures a smooth return-to-duty process. If you encounter any misconceptions, refer back to the regulations and advocate for accurate information.

Karishma Sarfani

Karishma is a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) with a background in mental health and substance abuse counseling, holding credentials as an MS, LCDC, ICADC, CADC II, CSAC, CASAC II, LPC, and EMDR-trained therapist. Inspired by personal experiences with addiction and mental health challenges in her community, she has dedicated her career to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery and success.