How to Fight a Refusal DOT Drug Test

June 11, 2024

Ophthalmologist's Department

Facing a refusal determination for a DOT drug test can be a daunting experience, but it’s important to know that you have options to challenge and potentially overturn the decision. Here are some steps to help you navigate this situation effectively:

1. Review the Refusal Criteria

First and foremost, familiarize yourself with the specific criteria for refusal outlined in 49 CFR § 40.191. Understanding what constitutes a refusal under DOT regulations is crucial. This regulation details various scenarios that can lead to a refusal determination, such as failing to appear for the test, not providing a sufficient amount of urine without a valid medical explanation, and other non-compliance issues. Identify which specific reason(s) apply to your case to fight a refusal DOT drug test.

2. Document Your Side

Prepare a comprehensive written account of your actions and perspective on the situation. This should include any mitigating circumstances or reasons why you believe your conduct did not meet the refusal criteria.

Detail every step you took during the testing process, noting any potential issues that could have contributed to the refusal determination. Supporting documentation, such as medical records or witness statements, can help you fight a refusal DOT drug test.

3. Request a Hearing

Most employers and DOT agencies provide an option to request a hearing or appeal the refusal determination. Follow the necessary procedures to request a hearing. During the hearing, you will have the opportunity to present your side of the story and challenge the refusal DOT drug test. Be prepared to articulate your defense clearly and provide all relevant documentation.

4. Consult Legal Counsel

Consider seeking the advice of an attorney who specializes in transportation law and DOT regulations. An experienced lawyer can review the facts of your case, determine if you have grounds to contest the refusal, and represent you during hearings or appeals. Legal counsel can provide valuable guidance on the best strategies to use and help ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.

5. Undergo an Evaluation

If the refusal DOT drug test was due to an inability to provide a sufficient urine specimen, undergoing a medical evaluation might help. A medical professional can assess whether there was a legitimate medical reason for your inability to provide the required specimen. If a valid medical condition is identified, this evaluation can be used as evidence to support overturning the refusal determination.

Act Quickly

You must act quickly because a DOT refusal carries serious consequences. These include being prohibited from performing safety-sensitive duties until you complete the return-to-duty process. Prompt action and a well-prepared defense, supported by thorough documentation and possibly legal representation, give you the best chance of overturning an improper refusal determination.


Challenging a refusal DOT drug test determination requires understanding the regulations, documenting your case, seeking a hearing, consulting with legal professionals, and possibly undergoing a medical evaluation. By following these steps and acting swiftly, you can effectively fight a refusal determination and protect your career in the transportation industry.

Remember, the key is to stay informed and proactive. With the right approach, you can navigate this challenging situation and work towards a positive outcome. For your return-to-duty needs, contact us today.

Karishma Sarfani

Karishma is a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) with a background in mental health and substance abuse counseling, holding credentials as an MS, LCDC, ICADC, CADC II, CSAC, CASAC II, LPC, and EMDR-trained therapist. Inspired by personal experiences with addiction and mental health challenges in her community, she has dedicated her career to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery and success.