The 6-Step SAP Process: Returning to Work After a Drug and Alcohol Violation

May 14, 2024

Ophthalmologist's Department

Are you facing a drug and alcohol violation and need to complete a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) program? If so, we understand that you may feel uncertain about the process. Don't worry – we're here to help!

This guide will walk you through the 6-step SAP process, explaining what to expect in each phase, from requesting a SAP to completing the follow-up testing plan. Let's get started!

Step 1: Designate Your SAP

To begin the process, request your Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) in the FMCSA Clearinghouse by entering their full name. For example, if Resilient Return is your SAP program, you would enter Karishma Sarfani. Follow the step-by-step instructions on the FMCSA website. Note that you can change your SAP through your portal at this stage, but only if you haven't started the initial evaluation process.

Step 2: SAP Accepts Your Request

Once your SAP accepts your request, they will enter your necessary information into the Clearinghouse. If you need to change your SAP, contact the Clearinghouse directly. Please note that this is only possible if you haven't started the initial evaluation process.

Step 3: Initial SAP Assessment

Your first appointment will be about an hour long during which the initial SAP evaluation will occur.

We operate completely virtually, so you will not have to travel anywhere for your appointment. You will be sent a Zoom Video meeting link which you will simply click on during your appointment time. Please make sure your device has a working camera (phones, tablets, computers are all acceptable).

During this appointment your SAP will inform you of your specific requirements that you need to complete next. These will be based on your specific situation so recommendations can not be given prior to the appointment. We have seen the process range from one week to several weeks.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Legally your SAP has to refer you out for your requirements. Your requirements are your responsibility and the fee for those are not being paid to your SAP. Again, it is LEGALLY required to refer you out for this portion. No SAP can complete both parts. Our SAP will provide affordable virtual options during your appointment for your specific situation.

Step 4: Determined Eligible for RTD Testing

Once you have completed the requirements you and your SAP will schedule your follow-up appointment together. If your SAP determines you have successfully completed what was needed, they will enter this step into the clearinghouse.

Step 5: RTD test with Negative Result

There are two ways to obtain a return to duty drug test. One option is through your current or new employer. If it is a new employer, ask them to order the pre employment drug test as a return to duty drug test, so it can count as both. If you are an owner-operator, you will need to go through a CTPA. A CTPA is a third party administrator that can manage your drug testing. Once you complete your return to duty drug test, the employer or CTPA that ordered it, will enter your results into the clearing house.

Step 6: Follow-Up Testing Plan

Step 6 is completing the follow-up testing plan set by your SAP. Clearinghouse has set a minimum of 6 random tests in the next 12 months. After the driver returns to safety-sensitive functions, the motor carrier must carry out the unannounced follow-up tests under direct observation as prescribed in the SAP report. The DER must ensure that the tests do not have any discernible pattern.The follow-up tests are in addition to any other DOT-required tests (e.g., random, post-accident).

For instance, you cannot use a follow-up test as a substitute for a random test or vice versa. If the driver leaves the motor carrier prior to the completion of the very last follow-up test, the next employer(s) must pick up where the process left off. When the follow-up program is complete, the motor carrier under whose program the last test was performed must report this to the Clearinghouse. If the violation predates the Clearinghouse, the employer does not report the completed follow-up program to anyone.

To request SAP reports and follow-up testing plans, the employee needs to fill out the Release of Information form. This gives us permission in writing to release your private health records. Additionally, the designated employee representative or supervisor at the company needs to e-mail directly to request their employees reports and follow up testing. They will need to provide the full company name, address, DOT number, as well as the supervisor's full name, email, and phone number along with the last 4 digits of the employee's SSN.

That's it! If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. You've taken the first step towards returning to work, and we're proud of you! Keep moving forward, and stay safe on the roads!

Karishma Sarfani

Karishma is a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) with a background in mental health and substance abuse counseling, holding credentials as an MS, LCDC, ICADC, CADC II, CSAC, CASAC II, LPC, and EMDR-trained therapist. Inspired by personal experiences with addiction and mental health challenges in her community, she has dedicated her career to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery and success.