Can a SAP Violation Go Away On Its Own?

May 22, 2024

Ophthalmologist's Department

There's a common misconception among drivers that a SAP violation will automatically disappear from the Clearinghouse after 10 years. Unfortunately, this is not true.

The Reality of SAP Violations

A violation does not simply go away with time. It will remain in the Clearinghouse indefinitely unless the driver successfully completes the SAP return-to-duty process. This means that even after 10 years, a violation will still be visible to potential employers unless the necessary steps are taken to resolve it.

The Importance of the Return-to-Duty Process

Completing the SAP return-to-duty process is crucial for clearing the violation. This involves following a series of steps outlined by a qualified SAP, including:

Evaluation: The SAP will conduct an initial evaluation to assess the nature and extent of the driver’s substance use issue.

Education or Treatment: Based on the evaluation, the SAP will recommend an appropriate course of action. This could include online classes, course counseling, rehab programs, or other forms of support.

Follow-Up Testing: After completing the recommended program, the driver must undergo follow-up testing to ensure they have maintained sobriety.

Continuous Monitoring:. The clearinghouse has set a minimum of 6 random drug and/or alcohol tests in the next 12 months. These are ordered by your next employer or C/TPA. The SAP may require ongoing monitoring to ensure the driver remains substance-free for up to 5 years.

Only after fulfilling all these requirements will the violation be removed from the Clearinghouse.

Why Addressing the Violation is Essential

It's important for drivers to understand this process and take the necessary actions to clear their records. Ignoring a violation or hoping it will disappear on its own will only hinder employment opportunities in the future. Potential employers querying the Clearinghouse will see the violation, which can prevent drivers from being hired.

Taking Action

If you have a violation on your record, reach out to a SAP to begin the return-to-duty process. Addressing the issue head-on is the only way to ensure that the violation is properly resolved and removed from the Clearinghouse.

By taking proactive steps, drivers can clear their records, regain their eligibility to drive, and continue their careers without the shadow of a violation hanging over them.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a SAP violation, don’t wait. Start the process today and take control of your future.

Karishma Sarfani

Karishma is a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) with a background in mental health and substance abuse counseling, holding credentials as an MS, LCDC, ICADC, CADC II, CSAC, CASAC II, LPC, and EMDR-trained therapist. Inspired by personal experiences with addiction and mental health challenges in her community, she has dedicated her career to supporting individuals on their journey to recovery and success.